Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April fools

Hi everyone! HA, I say everyone like there is an everyone. Well for those that have been paying attention to my blog, I have to say I am sorry that I have not posted pretty much all month. I am not to sure what I am doing with this so I just stopped posting. I would like it to be unique and worth reading but I could not figure out how to do that. So that is what has been going on.

Gino has been awfully challenging to Jen and I lately. He believes he is the ruler of the house and that what he says goes. It's true, he told me that. Jen left for San Diego last week and when she closed the door he looked at me and said "Jim, you are toast!" But lately his tune has changed a bit. I guess that is what a down-and-stay followed by an alpha role followed by an alpha role followed by another alpha role followed by a sit-and-stay does. Good boy!

In art related news, I have been rejected from the Made in New York exhibition again. Yes, again. Maybe next year. Lets not hold our breathes for the Finger Lakes Exhibition. Some good news is I will be adding new prints to my shop in the next few weeks. I do not have any pics this week because I can't find my camera.

Well with that said, happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

shanna murray said...

happy saturday!

sounds like gino's getting schooled over there. man 3 alpha rolls, that's rough!

sorry to hear about not getting in, sucks. they're idiots.

i love that lamb, thank you. see you in the studio this week, if you're around. i'll be printing again.